Finding Connection

When have you felt most connected with a community?
What helped to forge that connection?
What helps you feel connection with our Robina Anglican community?

In a time of change, the church continues to hold an important space for people seeking meaning and connection in their lives. Its frailties and messiness notwithstanding. Research consistently tells us that finding meaning and connection are 2 of the key contributors to people’s general wellbeing as they try to live well in our changing world.

The church, in its healthiest expressions, has always been a champion of fostering welcoming community as an expression of Christ’s loving presence in the world. We can underestimate the value of community when we take it for granted.

In days gone by, we may have used the word ‘fellowship’ to describe the sense of connection that Christians have with each other, reflecting the relationship between God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Fellowship is the English word used to translate the New Testament Greek word koinonia. It means more than friendly association with others who hold a common interest. It denotes communion and sharing thoughts and feelings about the most important things of life. It’s an important word in an increasingly disconnected world.

Thanks to all the Sunday worship volunteers who participated in our worship workshop this Thursday! We agreed that facilitating connection and belonging is a key role not only for people who are rostered to be ‘welcomers’ on Sunday morning, but for everyone who regularly worships with us. We can all help new people or people who tentatively come to church to feel like they’re in a safe and welcoming place.

We can all help people feel they are ‘seen’, noticed, welcome in simple ways:
          Smile and say hello
          Introduce yourself
          Introduce the person to someone else
          Sit with them in church
          Guide them during the service if they are unfamiliar with Anglican worship
          Invite them to coffee

Jesus was a master at acknowledging the overlooked, the least and the misunderstood, and including them in his life lessons and acts of compassion. He reflected the love of the Father for all God’s children.

Imagine this … Jesus is smiling at you as you draw near to hear him teach by the Sea of Galilee. How do you feel?

We have lots of opportunities in the months ahead to invite people to gatherings other than Sunday worship and help them become more connected within our community – to experience God’s welcoming love through life in Christian community.

Who might you invite to our men’s breakfast, women’s afternoon tea, beach church or winter soup dinner? Will you come along so you can get to know others better?

What could help you to feel more connected at Robina Anglican?
Please let us know – we’d love to hear your thoughts.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all. Amen.