What a week! – Mary-Anne Rulfs

What a week! Is it me, or are the weeks flying for you too?


I love that when we are immersed in what we enjoy, time flies.

That said, part of what makes belonging to a Christ-centred community meaningful is that when times are tough and progress seems painfully slow, resurrection hope reassures us that ‘this too will pass’, and at all times, we are held in Love that will not let us go.

Here’s a small glimpse of church life (through my eyes) since last Friday …

On Saturday 48 women gathered for high tea; women from 7.30 and 9.30 congregations, from Burleigh, Markeri St and Kids op shop teams, and from craft group. Bonnappetea at Mudgeeraba was a fantastic venue for catching up with each other, making new acquaintances, enjoying a wonderful afternoon tea and hearing about mission spaces where our women are involved.

5 women spoke for 2 minutes each. (Yes! Really!)

  • Barbara loves being a Kids Hope mentor at Merrimac State School. Her joy is shared when she is greeted by her student each week.

Kids Hope: mentoring 1 child for 1 hour every week during term time.

See Libby McEnly or Margaret Lund (coordinators) if this interests you.   


  • Anne spoke about Trinity Family Support Network, and especially Playgroup which is bursting at the seams every Friday morning in Lakeview! Anne reflected on the high energy of the space, the fun of having nearly 40 families represented by mums, dads, babies and toddlers, and the community support this space provides.

Do you have time and energy to assist with craft, set-up or be a welcomer at Playgroup? Anne would love to hear from you.


  • Sini highlighted our op shops and their connection with the wider community, expressing gratitude for our fantastic volunteer teams.

Do you have 3-4 hours a week to volunteer in one of our op shops? See Sini.


  • June shared some history of the Burleigh Parish Pantry and how this ministry to people in need has grown over many years.

Donations of non-perishable food are always welcome. They can be left in the basket in the church foyer.


  • I reminded women about Community Connect every Thursday in Lakeview, sharing God’s love amongst passers-by and people in our community.

Come along one Thursday and see what happens!


Then Sunday morning was a great community-building morning as well. Thank you to our craft ladies who raised more than $400 for Pregnancy and Family Support, one of our local mission partners doing fantastic work to support vulnerable women and children.

Coffee after our 9.30 service morphed easily into the ‘hello’ brunch to welcome new people. Lots of conversations and engagement over great coffee and a bite to eat. Lakeview is a brilliant space for hospitality.  With table-tennis happening too, it’s easy to start a conversation with someone you haven’t met before.  Along with the church foyer, these welcoming hubs are vital for building a sense of community and belonging on Sunday mornings.

On Monday, Markeri Street op shop volunteers had lunch together at RQ’s Tavern. Next week is National Volunteer Week, and the lunch was an opportunity for Stewart to thank people and honour their generosity of time and energy. I love these occasions for celebrating people’s gifts used in many and varied ways for a purpose way bigger than any one person. And seeing people having fun as they do so.

Lively discussion at Conversations @ 5 on Monday evening raised questions emerging from last Sunday’s gospel reading and Stewart’s wonderfully thought-provoking sermon. One of the joys of Conversations is hearing people discover their own ‘aha’ moments. New insights.  Fresh revelation. Renewed awareness of God’s love, present here and now.

As we left, we heard chatter and laughter from young adults in the foyer, relaxing together and exploring life and faith issues relevant for them.

I love Tuesdays! Choir practice with our faithful crew of choristers leaves me smiling, and grateful for their commitment to music ministry.  They are a spirited bunch, with lots to share from their faith journeys and church experiences.

Bowen, Anne and I meet on Tuesdays for a pastoral care check-in. I love working alongside our team of passionate and caring people who have wide practical experience and acquired wisdom. One ‘big ticket’ item was scheduling a date for this year’s ‘hello’ dinner. Watch this space! It’s going to be great.

After a pastoral visit with someone in their home I went online for a 2-hour meeting. So convenient, not having to travel to Brisbane!

I love Wednesdays too! Starting the day with communion at 8am is special. So is sharing worship time with 3-4 year olds in our Early Learning Centre at 10.30am. Stewart and I caught up with Ann McGuinness at lunchtime. So many good things happening as we partner with schools in ministry.

My 6 weekly professional supervision session was later that afternoon.  Did you know that it’s mandatory for all clergy to have regular professional supervision? To check in with someone external to our day-to-day work who is qualified to help us reflect on our practice. 

Then Thursday – today. And I love Thursdays! Community Connect was a buzz this morning. People dropping by for all sorts of reasons. So much friendship and care extended to each person.

At 2pm Stewart, Jackson and I ran through both Sunday services, ensuring everything is ready for Sunday.  Mother’s Day needs special care – people come with different expectations. Others choose to stay away. I’d encourage you to come to church on Sunday – we’ve tried to ensure everyone can feel at home.  

Today (Thursday) finished on a fantastic high! All Saints Anglican School’s performance of their musical, Legally Blonde was breathtakingly excellent – acting, singing, music, choreography, costuming and sets. Fantastic teamwork. Beautifully done. And wonderfully uplifting. Albeit some challenging themes – which our young people are far more equipped to navigate than we were at their age.

(Friday evening I’ll be at Coomera Anglican College for their musical, Bring It On! Quite the musical week .)

The week has been jam-packed with wonderful conversations, via text, email and in person – with colleagues, with many of you, and with others from far and wide – about the practicalities and complexities of life and faith, and of God’s faithfulness in all things.

Stewart, Bowen, Anne, Andrea, Sini and Jackson will have different recollections of the week through the lens of their particular ministries. As will you.

What have you enjoyed?

What questions has the week left you pondering?

For what are you grateful?

I’d love to hear you’re your thoughts. Let me know if you’d like to catch up.

Grace and peace,
