How is your heart health? – Greg McGrory

How is your heart health?

Not the miracle pump within you, but the heart as understood by Jesus and the Scriptures. That heart connects us to our relationship with God, with each other, with the creation we share and are expected to care for. Thus, is opened valuable insights into a more authentic, meaningful life. This heart goes beyond emotions, but is the seat of reasoning, decision making and moral character.

By nurturing this heart, we can strive for compassion in our interpersonal interactions. We will be at one with God, each other, our families, communities, and all God’s wonderful creation. How do we get this healthy heart? May I suggest by filtering what we think, say and do through the two great commandments as recommended by Jesus, Mark 12:29-31.

To stay alive physically, we need to breathe in and exhale. To stay alive spiritually we need to breathe in Gods love and what we breathe out ought to be done from Gods love. It is in the heart that we know the power of the Spirit and the reality of Christ Jesus. It is in the heart that the Holy Spirit ignites the good that God intends us to do and be.

But as Jesus points out, evil also flows from the heart, even at times from within us, even those we may love and trust. That is why we constantly need to seek and accept the love God desires us to have. In other words, a healthy heart.

Consistency in prayer, self-reflection, and not neglecting to worship with others are medications for heart health. Sometimes surgery is needed, which is repentance and confession so that healing may take place, namely forgiveness with the total unquestionable belief of God’s forgiveness through Christ Jesus.

You and I are a wonderful creation. We are, as the people of Gold Coast South Parish often hear, the beloved of God. A love we do not work for but called to receive. This we gladly do when our heart is healthy.

What is the state of your heart health?