Opportunities To Serve

God is always there for us (often through other people) and calls us to be there for others, even at times when things seem more difficult or risky. How might you serve in a way you normally wouldn’t?

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” - Frederick Buechner

There are many ways to serve within our church, in the wider community and amongst people you know and encounter. Our team can help guide you to opportunities that are a good match with your interests and strengths.

Places where you could serve

Music Teams
Music Teams
Tech Team
Tech Team
Kids Ministry
Kids Ministry
Reading or Welcoming
Reading or Welcoming
Op shops
Op shops
Kids Hope @ Merrimac State School
Kids Hope @ Merrimac State School
Religious Instruction in State Schools
Religious Instruction in State Schools
Other ministries
Other ministries


  • Craft and friendship group
  • Gardening and/or maintenance of church campus
  • Women’s ministry events
  • Men’s breakfasts

Contact Us

If you would like to serve in any of these areas, or have any suggestions as to serving our church or the wider community elsewhere, feel free to contact us at anytime at