Finding Connection When have you felt most connected with a community? What helped to forge that connection? What helps you feel connection with our Robina...
Celebrating the Gift of NAIDOC Week – Glynda Hoogsteden Happy NAIDOC Week 2022 to you all! It’s a time for all Australians to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and...
Kaleidoscope of Flourishing by Stewart Perry Well Synod is over for another year and unsurprisingly the world has kept turning. It is an important process in the life of the Anglican...
Synod 2022 by Jane Andrews Last year, thirty minutes before I was supposed to get in the car to go to the Synod eucharist, I was desperately dumping the contents of...
Energy Costs by Rev’d Stewart Perry Energy seems to be dominating the news at the moment. We’re in a crisis according to the news reports I’ve heard over the last week....
What’s in a name by Stewart Perry This Sunday is Trinity Sunday which is an important day in the life of the world wide church, not only because church goers get to watch...
A Great Prioritisation Today I was scrolling through the news when I came across an article about something called the great resignation. The great resignation is...
Live. Learn. Love. Lead. by Stewart Perry Most Friday mornings I check the golf scores after watching the morning news. I have all the PGA tournaments set to record… I know it’s...
Volunteering … better together – Mary-Anne Rulfs It’s national volunteers’ week as I write. This year’s theme is better together. And isn’t that the truth? Popular sayings that...