I wonder – Mary-Anne Rulfs “I wonder …” is one of the most powerful thoughts/mindsets I’ve encountered in the last few decades. Especially lovely big open...
The Parable of the Doona Cover by Stewart Perry The seasons are starting to change and the nights are cooling down, so we recently took the light bed spread we use for summer off our bed...
Welcome! Please make yourself at home … – Mary-Anne Rulfs Can you remember when you were new to our church community? What stood out about your first visit to our church? Who spoke to you? How did...
Life is for giving by Stewart Perry If you missed it, last week we had Bishop John with us for our 2 Sunday morning services. This wasn’t an “official visit” as he was...
God with us. God for us. by Mary-Anne Rulfs God with us. God for us. It’s Thursday morning. The sun is shining and people are out and about. I’m sitting at a café table in...
Ministry on a different table by Frank McGuiness Contrary to widely held belief Table Tennis did not originate in China but in England. It was in England, in the late 19th century, that...
With You… For You by Stewart Perry Coming up with a theme for Easter & Christmas services is as much about trying to think of something that will grab the attention of...
Wednesday ‘magic’ at Rainbow Town Every Wednesday at 10.30am could well be the highlight of my week. It’s Rainbow Town time! Accompanied by my trusty (Ikea soft toy)...
How to change the world this Lent by Stewart Perry This Sunday night I’ve been asked to speak at the Cathedral in Brisbane. Each month they do something different at their regular weekly...